Gap analysis
Get an accurate picture of your OH&S Management System and find out how you measure up against the requirements of ISO 45001.
We can guide you through every step of the implementation process, ensuring certification.
We can help you proactively manage, monitor and maintain your OH&S Management System, ensuring consistent conformity with ISO 45001.
Internal Audit
We can perform an Internal Audit and as we have deep experience of ISO 45001 and the audit process, you can gain the assurance you need to ensure you meet your client's and stakeholder's demands.
Increase trust
By demonstrating that you are actively facilitating continuous improvement of your employees’ morale, safety, and performance, it will enable people to trust you and hold you socially accountable for your staff’s well-being.
Increase efficiency
ISO 45001 creates an organisation built around best practice. This is then mirrored across the company and sets a standard for managing risks. Having a strong, consistent standard means that the organisation is more efficient across the board.
Improves individual safety
ISO 45001 has been widely anticipated by the global business community because it addresses the personal health and safety risks to the individual of any process or use of machinery within an organisation. This relates both to their mental health and physical safety within your workplace.
Reduce risks
Implementing ISO 45001 helps your organisation prevent risks as opposed to reacting to them once they are detected by others. The internal auditing system provides an ‘early warning system’ to help you spot potential threats to health and safety.